Gibran Shop

-----   Homage to Gibran   -----
a book series by Gibran Shop

“Work is love made visible.” #Gibran, a wise talented and humble man.
We spent a lifetime in love with Kahlil Gibran / Gibran Khalil Gibran until we decided to conceive our own version from his works.

Gibran was born in Bsharri, nowadays Lebanon, on 06 January 1883 and died in New York, United Sates, on 10 April 1931. He is well known for his best selling book “The Prophet” published in America in 1923, now translated into 150+ languages.

Gibran Shop is a global initiative to promote the writings and paintings of Gibran with main focus: online shop, physical store, museum twinnings, international exhibitions and pilgrimage to Bsharri.

On a final note, this book series is an Homage to Gibran as a token of deep appreciation but also for leaving this world in a better shape and mostly to keep him alive in us.

Roger Gibran – Gibran Shop
06 JAN 2021 Beirut – Lebanon

#Gibran The Madman
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